4be2a02fb025c    Soul-Love-9780915811779

               (中文版)                                 (English version)

This is one of books I have ever read, is full of deep and wide love from Olin's words. Many months ago, every time when I read it, I just fell sleep even I really enjoyed it, so I stopped reading... Maybe the time is coming, I read it again recently. Following the content of this book, I tried to connect to my soul in different situations...

In this freezing season in New York, I was complaining that the heater is not warm enough; however, when I walked on the street, the spot of little white melting on my face, I was so grateful that the mother earth made this transformation so gentlely, even it was continuing -10 Celsius many days, it's still in bearing... Passersby might not understand why a women laughing alone under the snow, she felt her soul! The soul held her heart and gave endness love to her.

There was nothing I can tell, just a FEELING and you just know, full of incredible joy in your heart!

Still reading and cant't wait to share it.

Go to grab this book while you think  it is the time!


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